In re: to the bombing in NYC today, may we remain critical & aware of what the news is feeding us (this is racial-ized terror) (the real terrorists are in so-called government positions)

Dec 11 

Violence is on the stench of human breath, today
These times : beget thresholds, 
J sensed it coming, last night, after love 

We are like spiders 
Our senses are supersonic 
and we can ‘breathe thru walls’ 

Yet, why so much killing? 
why so much war? 
inside & out 

why such self-hatred, 
such cruelty, 
such hostility, 
such possessive hardening 

To stretch out of my 
own tightening 
into the soft edge of 
Loving you beyond, beyond 

I feel a deep revolution 
happening in me 

A quiet, fragile

And yet it spans, 
across generations 
and generations 
of circular time 


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