Where should we go with the longing if not to each other?

I am learning the unknown song of my heart. 
The smell of my own healing, as I track it in the setting sun. 

The sun sets in me, and something rises. 

I never know who I am, and I surrender to this. I am not here to answer that question. 

A kind of * anxiety * lingers in my body today. 
A wandering charge, that does not have an origin (that I know of anyway). 

I guess I am always afraid that I will be abandoned. Left alone with the trees. But I guess that wouldn’t be so bad. Because I am learning that I tend to isolate myself, anyway. 

There is something so comforting about sleeping outside. It is like welcoming the goddess back into one’s bones. 

My voice has felt different, recently. Not so in love with it. I guess I go in and out. Of this hiding thing. I am learning so much about how hiding is how I have survived. How exposure is something at the core of me. What is this? 

I don’t always know what this is . But I do know that I am getting a bit better at learning to create with it all. And listening. 

I long to be fully and freely me. 
And still something: cages this. 

Cages, me. 
Cages, who? 

In solitude, I am not caged. 
But around other people, I shift. 
I cannot help this. 

I reflect who they are. 

I have been gifted this way to translate feelings into words, but what does it mean? What use is it? How can it serve the revolution, the evolution of suns? 

I am learning, I hear a voice. 
I am learning, and be gentle.

Be gentle, kind child. 
Be gentle with yourself, and be gentle with others. 

Creativity has always been your medicine, especially in the hurting, trauma, confusing moments of your life. Trust this. Trust your shining. And keep slowly, stepping into the night. From out behind the closed door of your heart. Start to share yourself with the world. It can be just a little bit. It doesn’t have to be a lot. One poem. That’s it. Not the whole world on your shoulders, darling. Just one poem. One breath. Share this with the world. 


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