Self-Love Experiment: Wild, Silly Body Mornings
Today I have embarked on an experiment. My body tingles as the morning settles in beneath my skin. I am alone in my room with a makeshift faery crown on my head. I was reminded yesterday by a mentor of mine about the healing medicine of play and silliness. !!!!!!!! It is so nice to have people surrounding you who can remind you when you forget.
I was hesitant at first to fully jump on the gratitude bandwagon that consists of gratitude lists, and gratitude photos, and gratitude projects!! ! ! ! ! ! ! There is an energy in me that does not like to follow but instead strike out on her own path. Hahahaha! So funny how I was letting monkey mind and my judgements about new age culture stop me from invoking such a precious, sacred energy into my life. Gratitude. Yes. I am releasing a lot these days, and gratitude is the ground upon which I plant my new seeds.
So, my experiment is a self-love adventure. It is a journey into myself, to know myself deeper and more intimately. Something my curiosity is consumed with these past few years. Who am I? What is this wonderful body that I inhabit and what secrets does it hold?
I am devoted to myself. I feel in my bones that I am here to fall deeply in love with myself, and to honor this feeling I am calling in gratitude. What can I appreciate about myself today? What am I grateful for in myself today? I am keeping this question in the center of my awareness for the next few weeks, perhaps I will write it down and hang it up next to my altar so I see it often. Perhaps this question will lead to songs, dances, poems, paintings that are an offering to my inner Goddess. I am not setting up any sort of rule with myself that I will write something down every day answering this question because I have learned that that simply does not work for me. I do intend to feel this inquiry at least once a day and take the time to let it process through me, in whatever spontaneous way it needs to in the moment!
A huge sigh escapes my lips, my body relaxes and tenderness creeps up from the center of my heart. Yes. Resting in the love that only I can give myself. The feeling of my arms around my torso, a soft whisper... yes, beloved, I am here for you.
To begin my experiment it feels right to give voice to something I have observed this morning about myself. I am grateful for my playfulness! I appreciate the completely nutty weirdo inside of me. I awoke this morning to the impressions of the bright blue sky through hazy eyes. My bed is situated next to a beautiful window, and I love to keep it mainly uncovered, so I can fall asleep looking at the stars and wake up to the morning light. A giant squeal burst through my lips as I greeted the morning, and I spent a good amount of time just rolling around in my bed making weird noises. HAHA!!! I LOVE doing this! Speaking in a hushed, crazy tone as I ramble about absolute nonsense and melt into a fit of delicious giggles! Singing spontaneous songs that sometimes rhyme to welcome the day and all it has to offer! YES! I awoke with such joy in my heart. I honor this crazy, playful girl inside me. You are so precious, and you are so loved.
Thank you always dearly imaginary and very real human spirit audience for being witness to me :)
An Ocean of Love,
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